In the Manga, Game, Anime, etc. Hashirama is a god amongst shinobi's. I don't need his in game clan to be strong but its quite weak in pvp. The 1000 senju move just makes a couple hands come vertically and it drains decently. When Hashirama fought Madara he used 1000 Hand statue like a demon mode, which is why I think it should be like mecha Naruto and Hashirama comes with a 1000 hand mode. Hashirama had wood dragons, which I believe should be a move like Nara's shadow but it doesn't give constant damage, a one time hit move. In the anime Hashirama reflected madara's bjuu bomb into a mountain by using a wood barrier, I believe Hashirama should get a wood barrier move where the user cannot move attack or use jutsu's but all range damage moves are reflected back at the user, giving them a chance to dodge their own attack without being too op itself. The barrier shouldn't block tai damage to prevent it from being troll like however. Hashiramas 1000 Hand mode should come with its normal attack being two tile wide hands that are capable of hitting 3-4 tiles infront of user or become range like other ranged jutsu's. Hashirama could also take people out of bjuu mode but that might be a bit op, ill let it hang out there though. With these suggestions I believe that hashirama will become a MUCH more viable clan. He could also make wood clones that were practically as strong as him, maybe 1 max to be safe. Thanks for reading.
Byond - Isaiah2449